Corn wet mill

Corn products are manufactured after steeping corn in an acidic sulfurous solution to produce starch, sweeteners like glucose, fructose, crude corn oil, and corn gluten.

Dry Corn Mill

In the dry corn mill, various granules are produced, ranging from corn grits to fine corn flour, which is used in a variety of food applications. This process occurs after cleaning and sifting the corn to remove impurities.

Corn Flour: This is produced by finely grinding corn and is used in many food industries, including cakes, biscuits, seasoning mixes, and some baby foods. The production capacity is 45,000 tons annually.

Corn Grits: These are produced by grinding corn into granules of different sizes (101-103-108-110) according to various production standards. Due to their high nutritional value, corn grits are used in many food industries such as snacks, biscuits, cakes, and breakfast cereals.